5 tips to start your business

Cassio Antunes

Do you know that great idea that comes poking you since college days, even before that stage? It can be realized. Like building a house before entering with all the furniture, it is necessary to plan and organize to finally make this your home sweet home. The same goes for a venture, before launching in the competitive market follow these important tips:

The great idea

At this point you analyze if your idea suits the type of business you want to do. In this first step dreaming has no limits, but you should consider whether the business style suits your personal characteristics and entrepreneurial skills.

The business viability

It’s time for benchmarking. It is the time to analyze the market, and how major competitors – direct and indirect – behave. During the research process, check the operation area of ​​your competitors, your target audience, size of staff, logistics, among other data. While planning also seeking information about the activity of interest, frequent fairs and events. This will assist you in creating a network of contacts and makes your idea rock solid.

Cassio Antunes Bussiness Plan

Business plan

To take advantage of the opportunities that exist in the market, the entrepreneur needs to study it thoroughly. This step helps to arrange ideas and set important goals for its initial idea come out of the paper.

The business plan includes all initial steps for those who want to become an entrepreneur. This document shall include all of the objectives, things that makes your business different from your competitors, who is its potential customer, how to target it, which is the investment needed to put the plan into practice, in short, all the ways to implement and reduce uncertainties living around a great idea.

Do not forget the customer

No business stands without costumers. And to know who your customer is and how to achieve you need to get most of the information possible. Search their age, social class, where they live, what area of ​​expertise, what motivates their consumption, what makes them purchase, finally, all information that will help you conquer your costumers.

Make your company legal

In the early steps of the implementation of a business the entrepreneur can not forget to formalize his company. During this stage many questions are likely to arise, and therefore, you will need to hire experts to avoid problems in the future. Among them, an accountant to assist mainly on issues involving taxes, and a lawyer to create contracts and necessary documents.